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M’sian Doctor Introducing First Ever Disposable Sterile Hijabs in UK Hospital

Photos Credit to Woolf Institute/Instagram

According to the BBC, the Royal Derby Hospital has become the first hospital in the UK to introduce disposable sterile headscarves.

This new invention could potentially benefit many Muslim medical practitioners all over the world, and it’s all thanks to Junior doctor Farah Roslan’s idea which she got during her training with the Royal Derby Hospital.

The idea developed after she had some infection concerns regarding her hijab that she wore throughout the day.

“I’d been using the same headscarf all day which obviously wasn’t clean and ideal,”

“I didn’t feel comfortable taking it off and I was pulled out from the theatre, respectfully, due to infection control.”

“I’m really happy and looking forward to seeing if we can endorse this nationally,” she told BBC.

Consultant surgeon Gill Tierney, who mentored Farah, said the trust was the first to introduce the headscarves in the UK.

“We know it’s a quiet, silent, issue around theatres around the country and I don’t think it has been formally addressed,”

“It hasn’t cost much and hopefully the effect will be enormous.” she said.

The University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Trust said the new headscarves were available to use for the first time earlier in December.

Proud of you , Dr Farah!

Source : BBC

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