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Donald Trump Says US Terminates Relationship With WHO

Photos credit to aljazeera | companynewshq | pymnts

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In the middle of fighting Covid-19, US President Donald Trump suddenly make a statement on Friday, May 29 that he has terminated US’s relationship with the World Health Organisation (WHO).

He accused the United Nations (UN) agency of allowing the Covid-19 pandemic to spread out of control and bowing to pressure from China.

Credit : BBC

“We have detailed the reforms that [the WHO] must make and engage with them directly, but they have refused to act,” Trump said in a White House press briefing.

“”China has total control over the World Health Organization. We will be today, terminating our relationship with WHO and redirect those funds to other worldwide and deserving urgent global public health needs,” Trump said.

Credit : Aljazeera

“China’s cover up of the Wuhan virus allowed the disease to spread all over the world, instigating a global pandemic that has caused more than 100,000 American lives, and over a million lives worldwide.”

He added: “Chinese officials ignored their reporting obligations to the World Health Organisation and pressured the World Health Organisation to mislead the world.”

Credit : BBC

WHO is currently coordinating international vaccine and drug trials to fight Covid-19. WHO is yet to comment on Trump decision.

Check out the video of Trump in a White House press briefing:

US is the global health agency’s largest single contributor, providing more than $400mil (RM 1.7 bil) in 2019, around 15% of its total budget.

However, other countries including Germany and UK, have said they have no intention of withdrawing funding from the WHO.

Source : BBC

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