Malaysian influencer Gatita Yan took social media to share her road trip to Ipoh with her boyfriend. In the Insta story, she showed her boyfriend on auto-pilot feature with his luxury car, he was sleeping while the car auto-pilot to the destination.
Her post went viral with most netizen questioning:” Is this a violation of traffic regulations?”
The insta story showed the car her boyfriend drove a BMW was on the road moving without someone driving it. And Gatita Yan wrote: Are you sleeping? Hahaha”
He can be seen with both hands not on the steering wheel. His eyes were closing and feet not on the pedals too.
She mentioned in the video that her boyfriend drove a car with auto-pilot feature. Thus, even he asleep. The car can reached the destination too.
But many netizen questioned, ” Are they violating traffic regulations?”, ” Isn’t it auto-pilot illegal in Malaysia?”. Anyhow the Insta story been deleted now.
Earlier in March this year when the Malaysia/Singapore Border reopened, a couple from Singapore recorded their road trip from Singapore to Penang with their Tesla on Auto-pilot. But the the couple was then under investigation by the police.
SG Couple Drive Tesla On Auto-Pilot Mode From SG – Penang! ” So Shiok to Auto-Pilot in Malaysia!”
Bukit Aman Chief Assistant Director of Traffic Investigations and Enforcement (JSPT) Superintendent Dr. Bakri Zainal Abidin told Sin Chew Daily, Land Traffic Act 1959 insists that drivers must drive well, be careful and concentrate. Thus, a driver must be of sound mind, while having their hands on the steering wheel for the whole journey. Thus, auto-pilot drive is prohibited in Malaysia for now.
Info via: Gatita Yan | Sin Chew Daily
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