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“No One Likes You!” Maid Yelling At 6yo Boy In Public

Sometimes, Maid is the person that you can count on when you are 9 to 5 working parents. They might be the one that spend the most of the time with your kids and in a way bring up your kids.

A maid in Singapore was alleged yelling and insulted at a 6yo boy in public.The boy had indeed been misbehaving and the maid reportedly yelled: “No one likes you, even your teachers don’t like you.” and she added “I am the only one stay your house so long, all the aunties (maids) left your house.”

Although the boy was tearing and begging her not to leave, she stood away from him, and threatened to abandon him at the bus stop.

A passerby confronted the maid. But she completely ignored that person and continued to scold the boy saying that she would have his father cane him when they returned home. The boy seemed scared, embarrassed, angry, and teary.

Credit: edengracemaids

The concerned citizen posted on Facebook hoping to reach out to the boy’s parents and thought the boy need help as well as the maid.

Netizens had mixed reactions towards the situation.

▼ While some felt that taking care of a naughty kid was tough and can’t just blamed the maid.

▼ Some felt the maid is throwing her temper on kid, It’s not the way to discipline them. If the kid is out of control , the maid should report to the employer instead.

▼Some believed there was no excuse to talk to a child in such a manner, it’s  a form of abuse. Kids are always kid, they need guidance.

However, we all understand there are always pro & cons getting a maid . Hey parents, what do you think?

Source : LianHe Zao Bao

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