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Covid-19: Wife Bids Farewell to Dying Husband Via FaceTime

A U.S. lady shared her experience of losing a loved one to Covid-19, and she could only say goodbye via FaceTime. It’s heart-breaking ..

This is an interview with CNN that was shared to Twitter on Apr 4, Maura Lewinger said that her 42-year-old husband started out with mild symptoms and low-grade fever.

He was then admitted to the hospital after his fever started to spike and difficult in breathing. Eventually, he had been transferred to ICU and put on a ventilator when his condition continued to deteriorate.

Credit : CNN

Lewinger said that they would FaceTime whenever is possible so she can “be there” with him.

“I begged him not to leave us. I told him that we all needed him.”

On the day that the nurse told her, “I’m afraid he doesn’t have any more time”, the couple FaceTimed again.

Credit : CNN

Before his passing, Lewinger managed to thank him for “being the most amazing husband for making her feel cherished and loved every single day”

After that, the doctor took the phone and informed her, “I’m sorry, but there’s no more pulse.” Lewinger played their wedding song afterwards.

In the interview, She said that she does not want anyone to experience this. She think “People are just not being careful,” she said. “They think it can’t happen to them.”

Lewinger posted on Facebook to beg everyone to “stay at home” and never think this cannot happen to you.

Source : CNN


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