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American YouTuber Praised Malaysia In Youtube Video And Dr Noor Hisham Replied Humbly

I’m so proud to be one of the Malaysians! Since the outbreak of Covid-19 in March, Malaysia had done the best to control the pandemic especially our Director-General of Health Datuk Seri Dr. Noor Hisham bin Abdullah. He’s definitely our hero! 

Therefore, an American YouTuber shared a video for praising Malaysia on his Youtube channel lately saying that why Malaysia is successful at managing the Covid-19 crisis.

In the 5-minute Youtube video of “Other Side Of The Truth”, Dr. Dustin Pfundhelle talked about “The Power Of Malaysians” and also listed out the “15 Ways Malaysia Did The Impossible” to fight against the pandemic. He said these 15 ways made Malaysia to be one of the safest countries in the world now.

▼ No. 15 – Donations And Volunteer Organizations

“For example, Imaret provided health care workers with food, AC units in raced over 3 million Ringgit for medical supplies, “ said Pfundhelle.

▼ No. 14 – Top Doctor

“Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah has been ranked one of the top doctors in the entire world at fighting Covid-19. He’s able to gathers support and also keeps people calm, as he does it. ” saying in the video.

▼ No. 13 – MCO And The Enhanced MCO

“These things are not easy to pull off, and it took so many people and different organizations to work together to have them work, “ he said.

▼ No. 12 – Indirect Volunteers

Many people helped out and volunteered to do many different things during the period of MCO.

▼ No. 11 – Building Temporary Hospitals

“Malaysia was able to bulid temporary hospitals very efficiently and quickly. “

▼ No. 10 – The Tabligh Cluster

“They never complained even though they had to wait long hours in the heat. “

▼ No. 9 – Banks

“Banks lend to the borrowers for 6 months. ” 

▼ No. 8 – Universities

The students were allowed to stay in the universities for free during the MCO.

▼ No. 7 – Stipends

“Nearly 4 million homes received up to RM1,600. “

▼ No. 6 – Ignoring Politics

“Opposition leaders came together and forgot about politics for the good of Malaysia. “

▼ No. 5 – Protecting The Most Vulnerable

“Malaysia did a great job of protecting those that were most vulnerable, homeless and foreign workers. “ Pfundhelle mentioned in the video.

▼ No. 4 – Malaysians Returning Home

For those Malaysians who coming back from overseas, they would be provided hotels, food and Covid-19 testings for free during their 14 days of quarantine.

▼ No. 3 – Respect For Frontline Workers

He was very surprised and amazed to say, “It was so beautiful to see all the support Malaysians gave to the frontline workers. ” 

▼ No. 2 – Making PPE

“At the beginning of the crisis, there wasn’t enough PPE for all the frontline workers. And so Malaysians took it onto themselves. “

▼ No. 1 – Teamwork

“It didn’t matter if you’re a celebrity, or an average person, it didn’t matter your social status, your gender, your religion or your ethnicity, all the Malaysians came together for the better Malaysia. “

▼ How Malaysia Did The Impossible – Covid-19

Since the video went viral on Youtube, Dr. Noor Hisham Abudllah shared the video on his social media and also wrote some encouraging words to all the Malaysians.

The original post:

The COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented event in our lifetime.

Sacrifices have been made by people from all walks of life, in some form or another. Many have faced hardship and moments of extreme difficulty which have tested their resilience. But remember that after every hardship, there will be ease.

Trust in God, and trust in the goodwill of fellow Malaysians who answered the call to serve their nation out of the goodness of their hearts. Let us be kind to one another, let us unite together to protect our family, community and country.

Do your part, and be part of history when we Malaysians will emerge victorious at the end of this war, God Willing.

Follow the SOPs, obey the rules, and stay at home as much as possible.



Source: Other Side Of The Truth/Youtube | Noor Hisham Abdullah/Facebook

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