We all know that We Bare Bears are one of the cutest cartoon characters and if you’re a We Bare Bears lover, then there is a good news just for you from McDonald’s!

McDonald’s has now launched 8 new exclusive and adorable We Bare Bears series of toys in Happy Meal!

Purchase any Happy Meal package and get any of these We Bare Bears toys for FREE for each purchase from 30 July 2020 until 26 August 2020.

You can get these toys from the dates as follows:
▼ 30 July 2020 – 5 August 2020
1. Ice Bear’s Log Ride

2. Grizz’s Skateboard

▼ 6 August 2020 – 12 August 2020
3. Pan Pan’s Backpack Laptop

4. IceBear’s Vacuum

▼ 13 August 2020 – 19 August 2020
5. Pan Pan’s Scooter

6. Grizz’s Tent

▼ 20 August 2020 – 26 August 2020
7. Pan Pan’s Watercraft

8. Nom Nom and The Bear Stack

Extra happiness when you exchange your Happy Meal drink to Milo for FREE too!

【Promotion Details】
Promotion : McDonald’s Happy Meals We Bare Bears toys
Date : From 30 July 2020 until 26 August 2020
Venue : All McDonald’s outlet in Malaysia
Terms & Conditions:
– Get Free toys only when you purchase any Happy Meals package from McDonald’s.
– You can get them either through McDelivery, DriveThru or Takeaway.

Info via: McDonald’s