
Thai Lady Dies After Consuming Spring Rolls That She Keeps In Fridge For 3 Days

Credit: Dinner The Dessert | Gulf News

A Thai netizen, known as Napa Payaksing shared a video on Facebook that a lady died after consuming spring rolls that she kept in the fridge for 3 days which led to food poisoning and severe dehydration.

Husband of the deceased told media, the both of them were having a meal at home on Monday (Sep 28) , his wife heated up the spring rolls that they bought from a street market 3 days back. Everything seems normal after their meal, however when the both of them were watching TV in the living room. The wife rushed to the toilet with upset stomach.

Credit : China Press

The husband felt something was not right as the wife stay in the toilet for nearly an hour, he knock the door, but no one responded. Thus, he broke the door and found his wife passed out.

Vomits can be seen on her mouth, nose and all over the floor. He carried his wife out from the toilet and immediately performed a CPR ( cardiopulmonary resuscitation) on her. However, he failed brought her back to life. So he called police. But still, the attempts of resuscitation was unsuccessful.

The husband was told her death was most likely due to food poisoning. Diarrhea depleted her body fluids which result in severe dehydration, shock and causing death.

Credit : China Press

Doctor also pointed out, in most cases of food poisoning, the food is contaminated by bacteria which cause symptoms include loose or bloody stools, the need to frequently release your stools, abdominal pain such as cramping, a fever, dehydration, or even nausea. Normally, the symptoms will pass in a few days and you will make a full recovery.

Until you feel better, you should rest and drink fluids to prevent dehydration. However, if diarrhea isn’t get any better, you should see a doctor.

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