In China, e-payment applications like WeChat Pay and Alipay are widely used and the locals, regardless of age, go for cashless payment transactions. They do most of their transactions by using their mobile phones to scan the Quick Response (QR) code.

You can pay almost everything without forking out your cash note. From groceries, subway tickets, air tickets, tip the street performers (picture shown above) and even 0.50 yuan worth of sweets at a sundry shop. The options are limitless.

Wang Meihe, 27, who works in a private company in Beijing, told the media the last time she used cash to pay for her purchases was in 2016. China’s cashless transactions are really impressive!
Even more startling is the fact that beggars do not need to extend their palms scrounging for money. So, If you happen to go china, don’t ever tell the beggar you have ” No Cash “, because they accept cashless transaction too.

These beggars will display the QR code to the public and you can donate by scanning the QR code with your mobile phone to pay via WeChat.
Facebook User, Fazil Irwan shared his friend’s experience of dealing with a granny beggar in the streets of China. His Facebook post went viral. Gosh, Look at how this granny beggar flexing her QR code.
I believe technology has the power to do wonders! When is this going to happen in Malaysia ?! Are we ready to be a cashless society too??
Source : Facebook | The Malaysian Reserve