A prominent bereavement operator, Nirvana Asia posted on its Facebook page a poster bearing both Chinese and English words urging Malaysians to stay at home during the Movement Control Order period.

The facebook post came with a message “Stay at home or stay at Nirvana.”
With a caption, Please stay a home, each and every person has a part to play in preventing the spread of the virus.
This powerful and straightforward message garnered more than 28,000 shares in three days.
According to The Star, Nirvana Asia Group founder Tan Sri Kong Hon Kong acknowledged that the post was “borderline controversial”.

However, Kong wished to remind people in a straightforward manner, so that they shouldn’t ignore the seriousness of this outbreak.
“With a lot of fake news around, we’re hoping the public will probably find it easier to accept and share the message to their loved ones with a sense of humour,” he added.

Kong also urged the government to be strict in penalising the violators of the order.
“I have noticed the government has been very tolerant. I think the public would like to see more control measures to be applied,” he said, adding that it was not just the government’s duty to ensure people stayed at home.
▼Netizens do like the creative message from Nirvana !
▼Please print a big poster and stick at the crowded place
▼Some even start asking the price..haha
So, people! Stay home or Nirvana ???
Source : The Star