This lady from the Jiangsu province in China was reportedly worried about catching the Covid-19 virus from bank notes thus she tried to disinfect them on her own.
According to The Paper, the woman known as Ms.Li, put her money into the microwave thinking that what she do would kill germs and viruses. But a minute later, she noticed a burning smell from the microwave.

She immediately took out the money. But, it’s too late they had been burnt. She told media that she burnt about 3,000 yuan (RM1,800) worth of bank notes.
Even though most of the bank notes had been badly burnt, lucky enough the bank staff managed to exchange the bank notes for her.

A bank spoke person told media that bank notes collected from financial institutions are “clean” because they have gone through a disinfection process using either ultraviolet(UV) light or high temperature.

Since February, CNN reported that China has been “cleaning” cash that may have come in contact with the virus. This is only refers to cash from high-risk infection areas, such as hospitals.
Covid-19 can be transmitted via contaminated objects. However, it remains unclear if cash has been a large factor contributing to the spread of the virus in China.
Maybe cashless payment solutions is a better way to pay now.