COVID-19, a global pandemic which affected so many people’s lives, besides us, it also affecting the animals in our national zoo. Our 57-year-old national zoo now has up to 3 months to survive financially before their accounts run dry.
With Malaysia imposing a Movement Control Order on March 18, which was extended to April 14, our Zoo Negara has been sustaining on emergency funds. Thus, They are coming up with Adopt an animal campaign. You can adopt one by maintaining its annual food, enrichment and veterinary care.

“It is a big challenge for us to cover the zoo’s operating costs during this temporary closure as Zoo Negara relies on ticket sales, space rentals, corporate sponsorships and public donations for income,” Zoo Negara deputy president Rosly@Rahmat Ahmat Lana said.
Rosly added that while the zoo was able to sustain itself through ticket sales prior to the lockdown, poor ticket sales and lack of donations had put the zoo in a financial pickle.

There’s good news though. The animals are healthy and are being fed accordingly.
“However, we have enough food supply for now as appointed contractors still deliver supplies,” Rosly revealed, adding that the zoo has been sustaining itself through the emergency fund that was set up by the Malaysian Zoological Society (MSZ).

Rosly said such campaign is implemented by most of the zoos around the world to raise revenue that will be used to maintain the well-being of the animals.

For those who wanted to donate, they can do so by participating in the Adopt An Animal campaign . Let’s help to feed the animals and keep Malaysia’s first zoo running
Source : NST | Zoo Negara Facebook