Medics have been taking to social media to share their experiences during the coronavirus pandemic.
In Spain, one doctor took to Twitter in tears to explain the difficult choices he had to make working in intensive care.
#Spain "Doctors in #España🇪🇸 with tears in their eyes tell how people over 65 must have their respirators removed to give it to the younger people suffering . Seniors are sedated so they don't suffer. " #CoronavirusPandemic #CoronaVirusUpdates— Michael Welling (@WellingMichael) March 21, 2020
He spoke about how medics are forced to triage: removing older patients who age 65-year-old and above from ventilators or respirators to provide medical support to younger patients instead, as they’re more likely to survive Covid-19.
Spain has nearly 4,000 health workers infected with the coronavirus, more than one in 10 of total confirmed cases, officials said today, as the toll rose in Europe’s second-worst affected country after Italy.
Like in other countries hit hard by the virus, nurses, doctors and other health workers say they are not getting enough protective kits. Authorities and companies are scrambling to manufacture, buy and distribute more.

“We have some data we do not like, because we should try to control it, such as having 3,910 health workers affected,” health emergency chief Fernando Simon told a news conference.
The number of cases registered in Spain rose to 33,089 up from 28,572 cases as of Monday. This means health workers infected rate is nearly 12% of the total.
The coronavirus death toll there reached 2,182, adding 462 fatalities overnight, the Health Ministry said. Simon said 87% of those who had died were aged 70 or older.
Please everyone ! please “stay home” to stop the spread of the deadly coronavirus and save lives.
Source : China Press