Prime Minister (PM) Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said on Monday that the government may consider extending the Movement Control Order (MCO) by up to two weeks; and will announce more economic stimulus to soften the blow from the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak and weak oil prices.

In a press conference, Muhyiddin said the National Security Council will meet on March 30 to decide on what to do after the current curbs on movement and businesses expire at the end of the month.
Below is quick summary of the initiatives announced by PM as of 1.15pm on Mar 23.
1.KWSP/Employee Provident Fund
- Total of 4% reduce in monthly deduction
- Application to withdraw from account 2 : RM 500/month up to 12 months for those who are below 55-year-old
- to support daily necessities , food and utilities

2. RM500 million to MOH from central government to support procurement of ventilators, PPE, lab facilities and other critical hospital essentials.
- RM100 million to MOH for 2,000 contracted workers mainly nurses to support medical frontline.

3. RM130 million to state governments to help with small business owners, victims and families and also civil servants involved in assisting with the crisis of Covid-19.

4 Defer payments for PTPTN loan ( education loan) for 3-6 months up to Sep 21.

5. National Security Council will monitor and decide on Mar 30 if MCO will be further extended beyond Mar 31.

For more information, you may click 【Here】
Further details of a comprehensive economic package and initiatives will be further announced on Mar 30.
Source : PMO