A two-year-old boy who is suffering from leukaemia tested positive for Covid-19, according to a children’s cancer support group.
The boy, Muhammad Fateh Aqil Mohd Nazmee, was supposed to undergo chemotherapy treatment at Universiti Sains Malaysia Hospital in Kubang Kerian. However, a blood test found he was positive for Covid-19, said the Persatuan Sokongan Anak-Anak Kanser (Pesona).
According to a report by Berita Harian, Fateh was being treated at the Raja Perempuan Zainab II Hospital in Kota Baru and contracted the virus from a family member.
PESONA’s Facebook post about Fateh’s plight has gone viral with over 3,500 reactions and 950 shares.
The post came with a message “We hope people will pray for his recovery and that he is able to continue his fight (against leukaemia).”
▼Many netizens have since shared their prayers in the comments section
We are praying for your speedy recovery boy! Don’t give up and keep fighting!
Source : The Star