A 13-year-old boy, known as Nuha Syazwan Sakiban was tested positive with Covid-19, the parents were with teary eyes when the ambulance picking their son from home. The boy was bidding a teary goodbye to his parents when he was in the ambulance. What a heartbreaking scene ..Sob:(
Sakiban is from Bandar Baharu Dato’ Ibrahim Majid, Simpang Renggam, Kluang, Johor. His father told the media, he is the youngest son. Before the diagnose, he didn’t have any fever or breathing difficulties but only coughing.
Health officers was in their home for a random checking. They were arranging Sakiban to the nearest Health clinic for the test due to his cough. Sadly, They received call from the Health office saying that he was tested positive for Covid-19 and there will be an ambulance picking him up at 10.30pm to Kluang General Hospital for treatment.
Sakiban’s mother said, ” I never thought my son will be infected. i thought it was just a normal cough.”
Sakiban’s cousin uploaded a video of him leaving home, when ambulance was at their doorstep to pick him up. His parents was tearing seeing their youngest son going alone to the hospital for his treatment. As a parents, to have to send your child away in challenging times like this is surely difficult.
His parents pack him a bag with clothing, essentials and a big bottle of water. Before leaving, he was seen putting down his bag and wipe off his tears.We can imagine his feeling at that moment… 🙁
His father, Sakiban Ahmad Kadari said his son went praying in the mosque nearby and been attended a wedding ceremony lately. Where he thought most likely he gets infected.
Kadari also told media that Sakiban already contacted the family this morning and he sounded fine. His family already went to the health clinic for Covid-19 test and currently waiting for the test results.
We are praying for your speedy recovery Sakiban! Stay strong and keep fighting..
Fellow Malaysian, please #StayAtHome and stay tuned with our latest news on Covid-19.
Source : Guang Ming Daily | Metro Harian