According The Star, Private hospital in Sg Petani, Kedah are closed for 2 days after a pregnant woman tested postive for Covid-19 after delivering her baby at the hospital.
The patient did not disclose that she actually live with a Covid-19 positive family member before she deliver. She choose to hide the truth until end of deliver ! The hospital later announced closing on 22nd and 23rd March for a full terminal disinfection and fumigation.
This 30-year-old Malaysian woman who did not provide full disclosure during the screening process at the hospital and was admitted for delivery following the usual process.

However, she developed a fever after giving birth. Further questioning led to the finding that the woman had been living with a family member who had attended the tabligh gathering at the Sri Petaling mosque in Kuala Lumpur and had tested positive for Covid-19.

All areas visited by the patient were promptly disinfected in accordance to stringent infection control guidelines. Contact tracing was immediately initiated and all staff who had been in contact with the patient have been identified, placed under quarantine and tested negative for Covid-19.
Pantai Hospital Laguna Merbok managed the case promptly and appropriately according to Ministry of Health, Malaysia (MoH) guidelines. The patient is now receiving treatment at Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah.
One of the anaesthesiologist that handle the women had written a long post and upload at the social media platform today, the post went viral !!!
Original Post :
I m an anaesthesiologist. On the 18/3 (Wednesday), I was woken up from my sleep for an emergency Caesarean section. As quickly as I could, I got myself ready and drove as fast as
I could to the hospital to attend to the patient. Everything was done for the safety of my patient and baby in my mind. The caesarean was done as per normal and both mother and baby were in good condition.

After all the work done in the hospital, I went home to my family as usual. I even went to my parents house for a dinner. (For ur info, my dad is a 75 yo man who had undergone bypass surgery).
At night at about 11pm, the hospital COO messaged me to inform me that the patient’s parents were both tested COVID19 positive. Her father actually went to the tabligh gathering in KL. She lied when she filled up the declaration form during admission. She said she had no contact with anyone who was positive. She decided to disclose the information after she herself developed fever after the op. How selfish was she?😱
My heart sank after hearing the news. Not because I would be potentially infected but my family would be in danger because of my work.
Nothing could be done at 11pm. The whole night was an agony for my wife and me.
The next morning (19/3) the hospital quickly took the patient’s throat swab and sent it to KL for immediate processing. Waiting for the result was another suffering. Lo and behold, the result came back as POSITIVE. This was another nightmare for my colleagues and me.😭

The hospital arranged all my OT staffs, Labour room staffs and almost all consultants to be tested. Thank God, all our results were NEGATIVE. This waiting for the result was worse than waiting for SPM/ STPM results 😂
Even though the results were negative, some of us still need to be quarantined for 14 days.
The hospital is closed for 3 days for proper disinfectant and cleaning.
Because of one single
Selfish person,
The surgeon, anaesthesiologist, OT staffs, labour room staffs had to suffer.
The hospital has to be closed.
Please tell the truth when u consult us.. Do not hide any information from us. At least if u tell us the truth, we will be more prepared as in wearing proper PPE while doing operation. Not telling us is like ambushing us, asking us to go to war without gun and bullet proof vest.

People, please don’t be selfish and irresponsible ! The medical staff are risking their life when they are on duty to combat the rise of the virus. This kind of selfish behavior will definitely drag all medical officers into worsen situation!