While most of the countries are being lockdown due to Covid -19. With less humans outdoors, Mother Nature is taking back the planet and the hatching of nearly 100 critically endangered sea turtles is the best prove.
Beachgoers of the shoreline of Paulista, Brazil, usually get to witness the amazing moment baby turtles hatch out of their eggs. However, this year there was no one to witness the incredible moment. Because the state governor, Paulo Câmara had ordered a partial lockdown of the area and restricted residents from gathering on beaches and urging them to stay indoors.

The endangered hawksbill sea turtles broke free from their shells and took their first little steps towards the Atlantic ocean. Only a few government workers were around and managed to snap pictures of those baby turtles peacefully made their way home.
According to Unilad, The City Hall of Paulista released a statement and noted that the “hatching of the eggs and the first contact of the animals with the water was only possible thanks to monitoring work carried out by technicians of the Urban Sustainability Center”
Daw #UnGwenPobDydd heddiw ar ffurf 97 crwban môr heboglys bach, a ddeorodd ddydd Sul diwethaf yn Paulista, Brasil.
Mae'r crwbanod hyn, sydd mewn perygl difrifol, yn helpu i amddiffyn riffiau cwrel, sy'n hanfodol ar gyfer goroesiad llawer o greaduriaid eraill. pic.twitter.com/e6FNYypWro
— WWF Cymru 🌏 (@WWFCymru) April 1, 2020
In case you didn’t know, WWF considers hawksbill sea turtles as a critically endangered species. Brazil’s Tamar conservation projects helps with the restoration of the species, as well as the restorations of the olive ridley sea turtle, the loggerhead sea turtle and the leatherback sea turtle.
“In all, 291 sea turtles were born on the coast of Paulista in 2020, with 87 green turtles and 204 hawksbill turtles,” said Herbet Andrade, Environmental Manager at Paulista. The turtles normally laid eggs in January, with hatchlings emerging in April or May.

“It’s really beautiful because you can see the exact instant they come out of the eggs and… watch their little march across the beach,” he said. “It’s marvelous. It’s a wonderful, extraordinary feeling.”
Normally after hatching, the turtles are at risk of being snatched by birds or crushed by beachgoers, though the latter of those threats was minimised thanks to the recent lockdown.
We’re glad that these baby turtles had some peace to hatch and made it safely to sea.
Source: Unilad