Beginning April 3, Malaysians returning from abroad will be brought by the authorities straight to quarantine centres from the airport/Jetty to undergo their compulsory 14-day quarantine at designed centres.
Defence Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob said that the new procedure will begin for any Malaysian returning from overseas regardless of whether their flight or any vehicle was a chartered or commercial one to prevent the risk of spreading Covid-19.

A netizen known as Jiang shared a post in Facebook that her father was returning from Batam island, Indonesia. When he reached Johor, he was send to a quarantine centre together with the people in the same boat.
She said although government announced the quarantine should start Apr 3, but her dad was send to quarantine centre even it’s only Apr 2. Moreover, none of them go through screening for Covid-19 or even body temperature check when they were send.

And she do not understand why some of the people are allowed to leave right after they reach the quarantine centre by just filling up IC number and address with a reason they will do self-quarantine at home. While, some have been forced to stay in the quarantine centre with 3 person in a same room.
Her concern was, 3 to 4 person in the same room under a circumstances of no Covid-19 test or not even a body temperature check is not rational . What if one of the room mate is already infected with Covid-19? the rest of the people in the room might have infected too..

Her father is worried, thus, he requested to stay in single room. The person in charge in the quarantine centre turned him down and suggested him to use a mask instead and if he do not have a mask then he should cover the mouth with a towel.
In the end of the post, Jiang mentioned being quarantined in the centre is not an issue, but 3 person in the same room who did not go through any Covid-19 test or even a body temperature check is her main concern. it’s definitely going to imposed a risk on those who are in quarantine centre.
Fellow Malaysian, what do you think ? share with us your thoughts?
Source : Kwong Wah