Hong Kong actor Kevin Cheng and Grace Chan are expecting their second baby soon. The couple was in a relationship for 3 years and tied the knot in Bali, Indonesia on August 2018.
They had their firstborn son, Rafael in 2019. Baby Rafael just turned 1 on February this year.
Grace Chan, 29, revealed she is expecting baby no.2 in her recent Instagram post.
In her caption, she said:
“Rafa is going to be a big brother soon!❤️ I’m very happy that I can announce on 520 [May 20] that there’s going to be a new addition to our family. During this period, I’m very thankful to my husband for taking care of me, and for my family and friends for keeping my secret and giving me lots of love and well wishes. I’m grateful to receive a baby-staycation gift from @k11artus. I can wake up and head to the balcony to enjoy the view.🌊 I hope this baby will be just as happy and healthy as his older brother! God Bless!💗🙏🏻
(P.s. I really think Rafa is going to be an amazing big brother! Don’t you agree?)”
Kevin, who turns 51 this year, also posted on Instagram with the simple caption: “Rafa is going to be a big brother soon!
However, there’s no news on how far along Grace is in her pregnancy. The couple also didn’t revealed the gender of the baby.
Source : Grace Chan IG | Kevin Cheng IG