As we all know, our country really takes COVID-19 cases seriously. Citizens are urged to strictly adhere to SOP in order to curb the deadly virus. It has become a norm that we wear face masks, have to check in location we went and temperature check at entrance of business premises . As for people who arrive from Overseas, they will have to do swab test and quarantine for 2 weeks.

Because of our systematic ways, Malaysia has been praised by a lot of people due to its brilliant tactic in breaking the chain for COVID-19. The Royal Malaysia Police posted a video from a British Youtuber and host, Mark O’Dea who vlogged his way back from England to Malaysia that garnered over 5.1K likes and comments also 872 shares.
The video started with Mark O’Dea sharing the situation at Heathrow Airport, everyone was silent and wore a mask in the airport, restaurants were closed, he described it like a scene in walking dead. Since there was no direct flight to Malaysia, he had to take a flight to HongKong first before to Malaysia.

When he boarded in the plane, he noticed a lot of people were taking extra care of their health and safety precautions. A lot of them maintaining their social distancing, use a wet napkin to sanitized their seat, and wore gloves. Everything was great until there was turbulence.

However, when they landed in Hong Kong, he was baffled because the passengers began to ignore social distancing and raced to take out their bags from the compartment.

When he arrived in Malaysia, Mark said that he and the other passengers were asked to walk in a line and keeping a safe distance by immigration officer. He also was scanned by a thermal scanner and he also took a swab test ( for COVID-19).

After that, he showed that his and other passengers’ bags were sanitized before being put into the bus.

He said that it’s the first time in his life, he was escorted in a bus by the police to the designated hotel for quarantine.

When they arrived at the hotel, they were registered and asked for details such as allergies and diet. He even showed he was being escorted by one of the staff, who is really friendly. He even showed the room that he was being quarantined. It was decent and comfortable.
Mark O’Dea praised Malaysian agency such as security and health, for being great, despite the long process. He also mentioned, he was impressed with the systematic flow and extra precaution steps that Malaysia took in the airport to ensure everyone’s safety and health.

Netizen’s responses:
Check out his video:
Hopefully, we will be able to break the chain of COVID-19 and live normally like before. Stay safe everyone!