You know the ones. Vera Wang, Jennifer Lopez, Jessica Alba, Jimmy Lin and Aaron Kwok of this world – those people that just never look any older. So what’s their secret? Superfoods… supercreams… surgery? Or it could simply be that they’re “exceptional skin agers”.
Vera Wang Is 71-Year-Old, But She Look Like 17 Instead!
Not only those celebrities, we are pretty amazed with some photos that netizens shared on social media. I ‘m so confused, i don’t really know who is the father, who is the son, who is the mother, who is the daughter and which one is their grandma ..Hahaha.
Now it’s your turn to make a guess 🤪
▼A netizen upload a photo of a lady carry a toddler. Most of you might be thinking a young mother carrying her toddler in a mall, right?!
Opps , i think you make a wrong guess. She is the toddler’s grandmother…
This pretty grandma said her daughter was at work. So, she take care of her grandchild and bring him to a mall to kill times.
▼What about this? there is a father, a grandfather and a grandchild in the photo?
Or the 2 of them looks like brother?
Man in black shirt is the grandfather and man in white shirt is the son !!!
▼A netizen in China uploaded a family photo and they are 25 years apart?! What the heck..Tell me what you see..
A girl with her good looking oppa?!
The caption in her post written, ” This is my dad”. Her dad is 50-year-old but he looks like 30++ ..
The whole family looks young too! my gosh!
Even the mom looks like her sister~
▼22-year-old Vietnamese-American Jonathan Nguyen decided to make a hilarious post in the Facebook group Subtle Asian Traits, about how Asian moms tend to look young for their age.
Many were incredibly curious about how his mom was able to look so age-defying. Some even thought she looked young enough to be his sister, or even his girlfriend.
He stated that his mom maintains her appearance with a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet, essentially a Keto diet.
He also mentioned that she ate lots of fruit every day, and works out regularly, even going to the same gym as her son!
I believed a lot “hardwork” needed to be young & hot mum or grandma, handsome & cool dad or grandpa. Any magic pill to stay young?? hehehe..
Source : Look Forward