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A Romantic Proposal Went Wrong After The House Set On Fire!

Photo credit to Daily Mail

It is very hard to plan for a proposal. You need it to be perfect at the right time. Some people have to plan for months, just to propose to their partner. This UK man also the same shoes.  He spent two weeks meticulously planning his perfect proposal after buying a ring to his fiance. However, his proposal was ruined after his flat set ablaze by tea light candles!

Credit: Daily Mail

Albert Ndreu, 26, planned to propose to his girlfriend in a room in his flat filled with hundreds of tea light candles, balloons, and a bottle of wine.

Credit: Daily Mail

After setting everything up, he left the candles burning to pick up his girlfriend “round the corner”.When they came home, they were surprised to see clouds of dark smoke emanating from their flat’s door.

Credit: Daily Mail

The couple called the fire brigades to the flat above a newsagents shop in Sheffield on Monday night. The fire brigades confirmed that the cause of the fire is the tea candle lights. South Yorkshire Fire warned people to extinguish tea candle lights or any candles properly when you have done using and never put them near flammable items, like curtains, and also never eave 100s of tea lights unattended.

Even his proposal is ruined, he still sits on one knee and proposed to her. He was still lucky because she still said ‘YES’ to his proposal.

Credit: Daily Mail

Currently, they are staying at their relatives’ house and waiting on more information relating to their insurance in the flat they moved in just a month ago. It was also said that now Albert is banned from candles and balloons for the time being.

Credit: Daily Mail

Well, this should be a life lesson to everyone who wants to propose now! Don’t leave the candles unattended~

Info via Daily Mail