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Wondering How You Can Get Your Oil Stained Plastic Containers Clean Like Before Easily? Here’s How!

Photo Credit to Instagram

If you’re an Asian, you should know what ‘tupperwares’ are. Containers which is also known as ‘tupperwares’ are something compulsory in every Asian’s house because you know Asian moms and plastic containers are ‘best friends’.

The real struggle is when removing and cleaning the oil and stains stuck in the containers.

Trying to figure out how you can get it clean again without having to soak the plastic container in the hot water for days?

Now, you don’t have to wait for days for the containers to be clean again!

Credit: Youtube

Recently, a netizen who posted a video on how to clean your stained plastic containers easily got more than 17K views on Instagram.

Wait no more!

Here are the easy tips for you to get your dirty oily containers clean like before!

Step 1: Add in some dishwashing liquid inside the stained containers.

Credit: Instagram

Step 2: Fill the containers with water.

Credit: Instagram

Step 3: Tear up a kitchen towel/tissue and drop a small piece in each of the containers.

Credit: Instagram

Step 4: Cover the containers with its lid and start shaking the container so that the stain is clean on the inside.

Credit: Instagram
Credit: Instagram

Step 5: Remove the cover and rinse both the interior and exterior of the container with the soapy water first and then with running water. 

Credit: Instagram

And that’s it! Your plastic container is clean like before!

Credit: Instagram

▼Netizens said they’re going to try out these easy hack and thinks that these steps are ‘magic’!

Wow! Definitely going to try out these easy steps to get my stained plastic containers clean and white like before!

Info via: Instagram