A rare, huge and alien-like sea creature has washed up on the shore of a popular Australian beach, leaving beach-goers stunned.

This sea beast, known as an ocean sunfish, was found by Cath Rampton and her husband Tom on Saturday. They are both vets, said they were shocked when they came across the huge fish, which neither of them had seen before.
The fish measured around 2m in length and height, but it was still small for its species. Sunfish can grow up to 3m long, 4.2m high and weigh up to 2.5 tonnes (2,500kg). They live off a diet of squid and jelly fish.

The fish also shocked other onlookers and described them it as ‘alien’ in appearance.
Fish collection manager Ralph Foster, from the South Australian Museum, previously explained why so many sunfish get washed up on the beach.
‘One of the big dangers would being hit by big boats at sea,’ he said.
‘They often eat plastic bags thinking they are jelly fish which can kill them.’
Sunfish are found in tropical waters around the world and are often confused for sharks due to their fin.
Sunfish is considered a delicacy in some parts of Asia including Japan, Korea and Taiwan.
Info via Daily mail