In the US, a couple that going to tie the knot sending out wedding RSVP to their families and friends. Besides getting to know the number of attendees, they also wanted to prepare the dinner option selected by their guests. However, the wedding RSVP gives them a shock!

The wedding RSVP card was uploaded in Reddit and it went viral right for its pure insanity. The couple is offering people different options for dinner based on how much money they’re planning to give as a gift. Here’s the breakdown . . .
1. A gift up to $250 (RM 1,032)? Pick roast chicken or swordfish.
2. $251 to $500 (RM1,036 – RM2,065)? Sliced steak or poached salmon.
3. $501 to $1,000( RM2,069 – RM4,130)? Filet mignon or lobster tails.
4. $1,001 to $2,500 ( RM4,134 – RM10,326) or more? Two-pound lobster, a souvenir champagne goblet . . . or the vegetarian or Kosher option. That’s right: Those two aren’t offered at any of the lower gift levels.

Some netizens criticized them for being rude and materialistic. Some said if they rather bring their own fast food. Others commented it’s like a fundraising charity dinner.
As you might expect, people are just TEARING into this couple on social media. But the couple explained it was just a joke, never thought the guest who doesn’t get the joke will post it online.
Info via Reddit