With a month to go before the presidential election, voters around the US are digesting the news that President Donald Trump is infected with Covid-19.
Credit: Chicago Tribune | nbcnews
A mystic, named Baba Vanga who died in 1996 was claimed to have foretold that the US president would suffer from “a mysterious illness” in the year 2020 which will leave him deaf and with a brain tumour.
She also predicted 2020 will be a turbulent year, a war in the Middle East, natural disasters and political unrest. Her follower, Neshka Stefanova Robeva, 73-year-old told media that before her passing she can be heard mumbling, “The corona will be all over us”.

Some of her other predictions were Brexit, 9/11 and the tsunami in Thailand and she is said to have been making predictions right up until her death in 1996.
Most chilling was a purported 1989 prediction in which she said: “Horror, horror! The American brothers will fall after being attacked by the steel birds. The wolves will be howling in a bush, and innocent blood will be gushing.”

That’s been seen as a foreshadowing of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre being struck by two airliners on September 11, 2001.
The psychic grew up on a farm in what is now Macedonia and she was blinded in a dust storm.

This, her fans claim, was what gave her a “second sight” which enabled her to predict future events – some of which have been uncannily accurate. BUT also there are some claims incorrectly predicted.
According to Daily Star, The Institutes of Suggestology and Parapsychology in Sofia and Petrich also studied Vanga’s apparent psychic abilities.