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Botched Childbirth: Newborn Head Torn & Falls On The Floor

Photo credit to gladstoneobserver | pbs

A 26-year-old mother gave birth naturally, while half way pushing, the newborn baby’s head fell on the floor after it was torn from its body.

The horrific incident took place in Santa Casa de Misericordia hospital, Brazil. The hospital is currently under investigation after tragic death of the newborn.

Credit: Mirror ( Picture for illustration purposes only)

Local reports claimed, the mum-to-be had been advised to undergo a ceasarian section, due to foetal health problems. However, doctors at the hospital made her give birth naturally.

The husband said, their own doctor sent the eight months’ pregnant wife to the hospital with paperwork insisting the baby be delivered by a cesarean procedure.

According to a police report, the woman waited for more than three hours before being taken to the delivery room to give birth naturally, despite her doctor’s recommendation. The woman’s friend who accompanied her during the childbirth also told doctors several times that her friend could not undergo natural birth.

Credit : Mirror ( The mother’s friend who witnessed the horrific childbirth )

“They didn’t listen and kept telling her to push. They pushed so hard that the head came into the nurse’s hand and then fell to the floor. They only operated afterwards to remove the rest of the body,” the husband said.

However, one of the health professionals allegedly claimed the baby was dead in the womb before the delivery.

Credit : Mirror ( Santa Casa de Misericordia hospital, Brazil)

The hospital released a statement expressing regret on what happened. It said: “Due to being premature and having multiple fatal deformations and presenting soft tissue, several manoeuvres were performed to remove the baby, yet there were complications in the fatal extraction”.

However, the case is still under investigation. Hopefully justice will be served.