Eventually, this is not the first time teacher in Thailand were said to give a heavy punishment to school kids. Not long ago, a 13-year-old schoolboy died after 100 squat jumps as a punishment for not doing his homework.
Lately, parents of Form 3 secondary schoolgirl posted on Facebook that their daughter couldn’t walk normally for 2 months after 100 squats as a punishment from her class teacher.

The parents further explained, the incident happened on Jul 22 where their daughter and a few classmates were punished with 100 squats. Both her leg were in severe pain after she reached home.
She couldn’t walk properly since that day. The parents brought her to see a doctor and she was diagnosed with Tendinitis, an inflammation or irritation of a tendon, a thick cord that attaches bone to muscle.

The parents were upset because they lodged a police report for 2 months back and they didn’t see any progression.
After their post circulated widely online, some netizens resonated with the issue that they brought up about physical punishment.

Some netizens also experienced the same thing, being punished by teachers during their school days and said they also hardly go down the staircase.
What do you think people? Do you agree with physical punishment?
Info via China Press