Entertainment outlets are not allowed to operate since MCO started on mid March. However, the state government and city state council were asking owners of entertainment outlets to pay license fees and taxes for 2021. Most of the owners are not happy with the move and there was an online petition in Change.org requesting government to waive the license fee and tax for 2021.
The entertainment outlet operator of Merdekarya, Brian told China Press, MBPJ ( Petaling Jaya city state council) asked entertainment outlets to pay more than RM8,000, including RM 4,705 entertainment license fees and RM 3,600 entertainment taxes.
Brian Original Post:
Dear reformasi-ed state of Selangor,
A few months ago, I wrote to you about returning the RM10k license deposit paid by entertainment outlets to MBPJ, to help us deal with the loss of income from the total ban on entertainment due to the various MCOs.

This deposit, as you know, is money that belongs to us paid to you for no reason whatsoever, other than what any reasonable person would describe as “state-endorsed extortion”.
I was made to understand that there was some discussion about this by PJ city councillors, and while there was some support for it, it was ultimately decided that the process of returning OUR money to us was “too complicated”.
This is confusing to me, since I would assume that the process of returning money that does not belong to you, would be the same as the process of taking money that does not belong to you. But clearly, I am ignorant of these matters.

So never mind la. I’ve been fighting this stupid deposit issue for 7 years now and I’m tired. Keep our money la, MBPJ. Buy something nice for the kids.
Now we find ourselves, after 8 long months of no entertainment, at Musim Pembaharuan Lesen. Would you be so kind as to explain to entertainment outlets how you have the gall to ask us to pay RM8000+ in entertainment licence-renewal fees plus taxes, while at the same time disallowing entertainment?
It’s been 8 months, and let’s be honest, it’ll likely be another 8 months (Science-willing), before entertainment is allowed again. That’s more than a year in which you, once again, have collected money for nothing while we remain in dire straits. Haha do you see what I just did there, MBPJ? No? Nevermind it’ll come to you.

Let’s be clear. I don’t necessarily disagree with the entertainment ban even though live music is my periuk nasi, and by and large entertainment outlets have adhered to it; BUT the fact remains it is a ban that YOU have imposed on us, and yet you’re asking us to pay you RM8000+ for your permission for us to continue to NOT make a living.
So, as futile as this probably is, I’m asking you to waive the entertainment license fees and taxes for outlets in Selangor for 2021. It’s the logical thing to do. It’s the right thing to do.
Unless it is your intention, as it clearly is with Muhyiddin and his muafaking clowns, to see us permanently shut down. In which case, hey, at least we’ll get back that RM10000 deposit you extorted from us, huh?

Brian also asking people from the same industry to sign on a petition with the following link: change.org. To the time of writing, there were alread969 signed on the petition.