A coffin maker from Indonesia became an instant millionaire when a meteorite worth RM 7.6 million crashed through the roof of his house. Huh.. How lucky!
Josua Hutagalung, 33, was working on a coffin next to his house when the 2.1kg space stone smashed through the roof of his living room in Kolang, North Sumatra.

“The sound was so loud that parts of the house were shaking too. And after I searched, I saw that the tin roof of the house had broken,” Josua told Kompas.
He then found a stone that was buried 15cm deep in the soil and when he dig out the stone it was still warm. Soon after the incident, the people in his neighbourhood came visited his house as the large booming sound shocking their house too.

He said he knew that was something from the sky and true enough, US meteorite expert Jared Collins contacted him, jump on the plane to buy the meteorite.

The meteorite, which is estimated to be 4.5 billion years old, worth around £1.4 million (RM7.6 million), according to The Sun.
The instant millionaire, father of three boy said he would use some of the money to build a church in his community and also the he wanted a daughter, he hope it’s a sign that he will be lucky enough to have one.