In the pandemic, working to cover our own expenses is already hard enough. But, working to cover a welfare center is definitely not an easy job. This man went viral on Twitter when he, at the age of 25 has his own welfare care center. However, due to pandemics, they have a hard time to cover the expenses of the people in the center.

Azlan said that he used to work as a bus driver and the salary he got from working is used to accommodate the operation cost of the care center. the impact of this pandemic caused Azlan to be unable to continue his work and lose a monthly income of RM6,000, thus couldn’t afford to pay for the operation cost.

Since May, he worked as the delivery rider, and also on the weekend, he worked as a fishmonger. He got the fresh fish supply from Teluk Intan, Perak. However, the income from the two jobs is still insufficient as the cost of operating the care center reaches RM15,000 per month.

Because of the situation, he tried to ask for a donation on social media. He never received any help from an outsider before and was the only one who bears all the cost himself. The reason why he opens the welfare care center is that he used to see a lot of people sleeping on roadsides. Most of them are homeless, being thrown away by their family, and so on. The memorable memories throughout the opening of the care center were to successfully reunite the female occupants with her children who had not met for a long time.

A lot of people commented on the post regarding the story.
Netizen’s Responses
▼A lot of people were shocked at his dedication and kindness!
▼People feel humbled down because of this man~
▼Social media are flooded with people helping to raise a nation for the welfare care center~
▼People are expecting Ustaz Ebit Lew to give some help
▼Some people questioned why did the welfare center didn’t get some help from the government as they should
Hopefully, they will get the help that they needed~
Info via Twitter | Harian Metro