
This Boy Uses Rapping As A Way To Memorize History Lesson And He Nailed It!

Credit Instagram


To quote George Santayana saying, ” Those wo do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.”. But learning or reading history textbook can be a real battle with oneself. People tend to get really sleepy and bored as reading history is about learning things that are in the past and there are thousands of words in it.

However, this young boy on Instagram has discovered a new method to learn and memorize those history! His method is somewhat unique and I’ve never seen anyone ever did it before. It is what we called as Rapping! Yes, you heard it right. He rap his way into history lesson! His post on Instagram has garnered over 274K views as people were mesmerized his new technique on learning history!

This viral post is on chapter 2 of Form 5 History as he explained the topic on Nasionalisme in Malaysia, World War 2, local economy exploitation and many more.

Netizen’s responses

▼ Thanks to his rare method, student won’t get bored learning history anymore! 

▼ If you’re thinking of implying this method, here’s the beat you can use!

▼ Sejarah textbook is shaking~

▼ Too bad we were born in different generation! But why I can’t think of this method before?

▼ Can you imagine everyone is rapping during history exam? 

▼ Nice, I’m gonna use this method for my degree as well!

▼ Jay Chou is nothing on him!

▼ Please do all the chapter, then you can release an album! Amazing!

Check out his rapping video on chapter 2 Form 5 History! He’s lit y’all!

History is hard but nothing can beat creative mind!

Info via Instagram