
Kids Glued to Their Smartphone? Parents! This is the App You Should Install to Manage Screen Time & Content They Exploring Online

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A lot of parents nowadays probably feel like your kid is on their smartphone, like, all the time. Between scrolling their Instagram feed and texting friends or playing games, it’s as much a source of entertainment as it is a communication tool. This is a trend that’s not going away—even some kids below 10 own a smartphone and that number just climbs as kids get older.

Credit : Engoo

When we see kids spending a lot of time on their phone, we will nag them to put it down—but now we have a better approach. You can try the free Family Link parental controls app from Google.

Whether your children are younger or in their teens, the Family Link app lets you set digital ground rules remotely from your own device to help guide them as they learn, play, and explore online.

By using the app, the parents can view their app activity, manage their apps, set a time for their screen time and once timing is up it will lock their screen, and through the app you can see their location.

Credit : SalehSuhair

The app currently have Google Family Link for parents and Google Links for children & teens.

Let’s see after downloading the app, what can we do on the setting.

▼Step 1: Installing Google Family Link for parents on your phone and Google Family Link For Children &Teens on your kid’s phone.

▼Step 2:The kid will need a google account to activate the app, in order for parents to choose the google account to manage.

Credit : SalehSuhair

▼ Step 3:Through the parents FamilyLink app, you can set a daily limit for your kid’s phone usage.

Credit : SalehSuhair

▼ Step 4:You can even set a BedTime for them!

Credit : SalehSuhair

▼ When the time is up, the screen will automatically lock until the next day.

Credit : SalehSuhair

▼ Beside that, parents can track how much time kids are spending in which apps through weekly and monthly activity reports.

Credit : SalehSuhair

▼ It’s helpful to be able to find your child when they’re on the go. You can use Family Link to help locate them as long as they’re carrying their Android devices.

Credit : SalehSuhair

Somehow, i think we have to recognize that kids like media—we all like media. So if you come in being very negative, then kids will tune you out. Thus, with the help of the app at least certain things are manageable!