After opening up your parcels, most of us would just simply throws away the packaging right? But do you know that could be very dangerous for us as there are our personal information on the package? Irresponsible individual could take our personal details for fraud or scam purposes!

Aware of the situation, PDRM is warning the public to carefully disposed any letters or parcels with our personal details such as names, phone number, and home address to avoid any fraud issues.

Bukit Aman Commercial Crime Investigation Department (CCID) Datuk Zainudin Yaacob also said that any party making online purchase to be sent home should informed their family member about the purchase so that they know the item has already been paid to avoid them being scam to do another payment.

“We urged the public to lodge a police report if they had been victims of frauds using this modus operandi so that appropriate investigations can be carried out,” he said in a statement to the media.
Even though there is no report yet regarding this issue, he guarantee that an investigation under Section 420 of the Penal Code which lead to imprisonment up to 10 years and whipping will be implemented if such cases are reported.

This issue has risen up due to a video circulating on internet on how irresponsible individual committing fraud by using victim’s personal information after she throws away her package without carefully taking off her personal details.
In that video, the criminal obtained the victim’s personal details such as name, phone number and home address from the package that the victim dumped into the trash bin in a public place.
Many of us has been actively buying things online because we have no self control but just make sure to always tear off or use marker pen to cross off your personal details.
Info via Berita Harian | Jemels.Co/ Facebook