Since the pandemic hit our country, we are required to wear masks whenever we are outside of our home. However, this dog went viral for following the SOP by wearing a mask when he is outside with his owner!

Apparently, the doggo, Fatty Ong’s appearance of wearing a mask when going for a tea break with his owner attracts the public since it is very unusual. Fatty Ong seems to be very obedient as it stills wear the mask even though waiting on the motorcycle. According to the owner, Zhang Shi Hua, an orchard worker, he started to train his dog to wear masks after the pandemic hit, to encourage people to wear masks as there are some people who still imminent in wearing masks in public.

However, training is not easy as Fatty Ong would bark and bite the owner to resist wearing the mask. It took about a week for the dog to be able to get used to it. The reason why Now, people in the town called Fatty Ong a ‘star’ as he has his signature pose when he is being photographed by the people.

Even this clever doggo can follow SOP, there is no excuse that you can’t do it!
Info Guangming Daily