When proposing, people usually take and propose to their partner at the most beautiful or expensive place. Sometimes, they would also propose to the love of their life in the first place where they met. This is what this man did!

This man goes by the name Yang decided to approach admins of 1 Utama Shopping center to ask for help in order for him to do his one of kind marriage proposal. Why did he choose this mall specifically? Well, it is because 10 years ago, he met the love of his life at 1 Utama Shopping Centre for a date in his Proton Saga. Not only that, he even asked the girl to be his girlfriend at the parking lot!

Yang planned the day for his marriage proposal will be the same day, at the same car park spot with the same car. Yang and his friend also planned the proposal very well with balloons, flowers, and even drew an illustration of how he visualized everything.

On the morning of 15 December 2020, w Yang pull out a beautiful gift box and slid a sparkling diamond engagement ring onto his fiancé’s finger, and asked her to be his wife. Guess what? She said Yes!

1 Utama also took their Facebook and send best wishes to this couple on their journey of love in the future.

People melted at the sight of this beautiful couple and send regard on the post!
Netizen’s Responses
▼ People are overwhelmed by their feelings and send blessing to this couple
▼ Now, there is no secret where and how their love story started!
▼Not everyone has good memories with 1 Utama’s car park
Sometimes, the best place for a proposal would be the first place where you met~
Info via Facebook