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Express Bus Stuck In Flood, This Person Shared His Bittersweet Experience!

Photo credit to Farysnordyn/Twitter


We all heard that there are some states in Malaysia that are flooded. Many people have to evacuate and lost a lot of things. This person shared his horrific experience when his bus stuck in the flood. The Twitter post garnered over 12K retweets and 16K likes.

Credit: Farysnordyn/Twitter

The story started that the user is on the way back from Kota Bahru to KL. The bus successfully went through the first second flooded road. Then they encountered a third flood road but suddenly when they tried to cross it the bus floated and float. The engine died and the whole bus blacked out. Then, the water floods the first deck of the bus and people had to go up the second deck to save themselves. Luckily, Bomba showed up quickly to rescue them.

They were located at a local Masjid and it also shelters not only bus passengers but also families stranded since 6 pm, 3 January. The masjid is cut off from the power supply. The cellular signal switches off around 3 am, 4 January. Later, also the water supply.

Credit: Farysnordyn/Twitter

They manage to contact their families and inform them about the situation. After settling and calm themselves down in the mosque, they tried to get some sleep. They wake up in the morning with a view of their bus submerged with their luggage. At almost 1 pm the water starts to settle a bit and people tried to tow out the bus but they gave up.


Credit: Farysnordyn/Twitter

Lucky for them, the people of Kampung Jeram Besu were tremendously kind and welcoming. The villagers cook food together and send them to the masjid for the stranded people on Masjid.

Credit: Farysnordyn/Twitter

At around 4 pm, as the water level is safe-level is around their calf, they retrieved their luggage.

Credit: Farysnordyn/Twitter

He also shared that he has to wear Kain Pelikat as his pants teared on the buttock area.

Credit: Farysnordyn/Twitter

So after some time, the water settles. There’s a bus waiting for them at the other side of the second flooded road. The locals already cooked food for their journey home. So after they helped packed the food, they went off to the crossing point.

Credit: Farysnordyn/Twitter

Finally, after 3-4km, they arrived at the flooded road for crossing. Boats are waiting and there are so many members of local authorities and local people there.

Credit: Farysnordyn/Twitter

After reaching the other side, the passengers were transported to the bus on a police truck.

Credit: Farysnordyn/Twitter

They were escorted to Raub to have some dinner in Raub before our trip back to KL.People sponsored Nasi Goreng for the passenger and luckily they brought Masak Lemak Pucuk Paku and Telur Dadar with us.

Credit: Farysnordyn/Twitter

After that, they continue our journey to KL and safely arrived in TBS with kain pelikat still intact at almost 11 pm, 4th January. It was one special experience indeed for him. He added he learn a lot from this journey and was thankful for those who involved in helping him and all the passengers.

Credit: Farysnordyn/Twitter

People are enjoying his thread very much and commented their thoughts.

Netizen’s Responses

▼People just love the wisdom coming out from this thread!


▼ Other people would freak out! Well done, writer~

▼ Even though it’s scary, many people wished to experience the interaction!

▼ Some people shared that they almost in the same situation

▼ The thread is so neat that it is a good study material too!

This story is so beautiful! That is why we love being a Malaysian~

Info via Farysnordyn/Twitter