A netizen went for a screening with Covid-19 detected. However, the following 3 tests he took was negative. He suspected the lab with an inaccurate result.
He took social media to share his experience with others and the post went viral and garnered more than 4k responses and 15k shares.
His post read :
I wanted to share my horrifying experience. Hopefully, those who also tested positive with Covid-19 without any symptoms do not feel panic. The following incident happens to me this week and it might happen to anyone of you too!
I went to BP Lab Kajang for a blood test, because on that day government will be announced whether to implement MCO. For the safety of my family, I took the initiative to do RT-PCR Covid test.
The result was out on the second day, I was shocked when I saw the report as it was written Covid-19 detected. I do not know how to respond to that, I contacted my family in the first place. Then contact those friends who were the close contact. Following that, I quarantined myself and waited for KKM ( Ministry of Health) to contact me. Of course, my family were worried then arranging Neogenix lab to come over for an RT-PCR test. My close contact also took the test respectively.
KKM contacted me the next day, asking for the information for my close contact, and informing me ambulance will pick me up anytime to the quarantine centre. However, all my family and friends report shown negative result triggered my suspicion on the previous test I did in BP lab. Then I arranging Neogenix lab to come over for another Covid test.
Neogenix lab came to my house in the afternoon, around 5 pm, I received a call from KKM that MAEPS will pick me up in an hour time. I insisted to go over only after my 2nd test result was out. But they told me once KKM contacted me it’s a must to go to the quarantine centre. Then I was asking them whether patients without symptoms can do home quarantine instead. But KKM feedback was once ambulance contacted me then it’s a must to go to a quarantine centre. I begged them to delay it for another day.
The second lab report was out, it was non detected. I was confused and immediately contacted KKM and told them my result was negative. For safety reason, I did my 3rd RT-PCR test.
My 3rd lab report was out and it’s still virus non detected. I was asking for doctor advice, what should I do next? Even the doctor was saying normally if the first test was positive, it was rare to turn negative in such a short period of time. Thus he was suggesting me to go gribbles lab even though it’s pricey. After I did the 4th test, I took those lab reports to ask for an explanation. However, BP lab Kajang couldn’t give me an explanation.
The 4th lab report was out and it was also virus non detected. But I was one of the index cases in KKM system, all the close contact of mine were with pink tag. I wanted to appeal so KKM can remove me from the system. However, according to their protocol. Once you are reported as positive cases you are not able to remove yourself from the system. I wanted to apologized to my family and friends that went self-quarantine for 14 days. It’s my bad.

I was thinking, what if I’m not infected and this is a human error. What if I contracted the virus on my 2nd test? what if I was in the ambulance and contracted Covid-19 in MAEPS on day 6/7. Then brought home the virus on the 10th day after the quarantine is over. I couldn’t imagine what will happen next.
He also added his family spend around RM5,000 for the RT-PCR test.
After the posts went viral BP Healthcare group also took social media to explain regarding the incident. BP healthcare group undertook a thorough investigation and findings showed he is amongst the 83% of patients who were detected and have since recovered from Covid-19 infection.
BP lab also added that they are government Covid-19 panel laboratory and abide by all KKM’s guidelines strictly. Out of goodwill, they also offer 2 complimentary Covid-19 RT-PCR screening tests to him.

The netizen updated his post on Jan 19 to thank everyone for their concern. He wrote, ” KKM said I can get my surat perlepasan( release letter) tomorrow and never thought I recovered from Covid-19 just within 2 days. I hope the rest of the Covid patients can be like me too, beat the virus within 2 days! Please adhere to SOP, together we beat Covid-19. More fruits, sufficient Vitamin C intake. If you are tested positive, remember to consult your doctor for your health condition.”
▼The Original Post: