
"It's Fine If You Don't Believe Me, God knows," KFC Staff Kindly Wrote A Note To A Woman Asking For A Thai Chili Sauce

Credit Rosniah Zakariah/Facebook

If you familiar with food delivery, then you must know that sometime we don’t get what we want. Especially if it involved specific request like asking for certain part of chicken.

But recently, someone has come out with a solution to make sure the restaurant staff pay attention to your request. So, this lady on Facebook decided to try on the method when she ordered KFC and to her surprised, it works! The staff even replied to her in a sticky note. Her post on a Facebook page has garnered over 21K likes and 387 shares!

She wrote in her post that since she wants to use the Foodpanda promo code, she decided to try the viral trick where a customer request a certain part of chicken and wrote that God knows if they lying for not giving him the requested part.

Since she prefer chicken breast, she put up a special request.

“I want big chicken breast, it’s fine if you don’t have it but God knows if you’re lying. Also I want extra Thai chili sauce,” she wrote, even though she well aware that Thai chili sauce is not available.

And to her surprise, she did get what she requested, which is huge fried chicken!

Since there is no Thai chili sauce available, the staff kindly reply to her on a sticky note that they don’t have Thai chili sauce in packet.

” Sorry, Thai sauce in packet is not available. It’s okay if you don’t believe me, God knows,” the reply.

Netizen’s responses

▼ The sticky note is cute!

▼ Bye! I’m moving to Rembau now!

▼ Which part of the chicken is considered the best part?

▼ We need more people like this so I don’t have to eat the breast part!

▼ Some has tried this trick and it really works!

▼ However, there are some who were not too happy with this trend.

Anyway, kudos to all restaurant staffs who are very kind and professional in handling customers’ request.

Info via Rosniah Zakariah/Facebook

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