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Mom Shared An Out-Of-Ordinary Animal That Sleep Next To Her Child!

Photo credit to Bieesya Baieesya/Facebook

It is pretty normal for our pets like cats and dogs, to sleep with our children. Some people believe it would make the pet would make the child feel safer or even be a great guard for your child.

Credit: Boredpanda

But, this mother shared on Facebook a shocking pet that also sleeps with her child sometimes. A fish!

Credit:Bieesya Baieesya/Facebook

This mother shared a picture of her son sleeping with the cat and she said that is a pretty common thing in her household and some other people’s households. We can’t help but feel soft at this interaction.

Credit:Bieesya Baieesya/Facebook

But, what is pretty normal in her house that none of us can relate to is her pet fish, a snakehead always jumped and ‘sleep’ next to her son. Yes, a fish! No worries, this fish is known to be able to stay alive on land for a pretty long time. The mother added that she always rescue it fast~

Credit:Bieesya Baieesya/Facebook

People are shocked at how a fish jumping out of its aquarium and ‘sleeping’ next to a child is a normal occurence.

Netizen’s Responses

▼ I guess the fish also have a dream to sleep on the bed too!

▼ First of all, how did it end up there?

The author answered:

▼ Nah, we must be fooled by the cat!

▼ Is it really the cat though?

The author commented back:


▼ I would be run for my life!

▼Apparently, these fish love to jump and can live on land for a very long time without water!


I would be shocked to find a fish next to me when I woke up~

Info via Bieesya Baieesya/Facebook