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Netizen Makes Fish Soup With Her Japanese Koi, Says,” Taste Like Catfish”

Photo credit to FB

A netizen took Facebook page group, MASAK APA TAK JADI HARI NI OFFICIAL to share her experience of cooking her pet. What? her pet? Ya.. her Japanese Koi..

Her post went viral and garnered 10k responses and 1.3k shares.

She doesn’t purposely cook them, but those fishes died because her domestic helper forgotten to turn off the water resulting in a low level of oxygen in the tank. They died of suffocation.

In one of the photos she shared, those Japanese Koi are quite big in size around 38cm. She decided to cook them. She wrote in her post, ” It’s a recipe for the royal family since ages ago, taste like catfish.”

She was sharing photos of how she prepared the ” Japanese Koi Soup”. First, she cleaned up the fishes and cutting them into pieces.

Boiling into the soup with garlic, onion, ginger, and lemongrass.

And it’s done! Ready to serve!

▼ Some netizens only realized Japanese Koi is edible and said they look delicious.

▼Some said the pet fish looks cute and don’t dare to eat them

This was probably a quite expensive soup because some high-quality koi can cost thousands of ringgit, if not more. But if I’m giving a chance I will definitely try it! You? Dare or not?

Info via FB