Most pet owners like to take pictures or videos of the cutest look of their lovely pets. The same goes for this Japanese pet owner, Twitter user @Yakyu147Ab. He loves to share the funniest and cutest moments of his pet tortoise, Haru.
Probably you are like me asking the same question. What? a tortoise? aren’t they just look the same all the time.
AHHHHaaa~~~ I’m sure not this one!
One of the pictures that @Yakyu147Ab shared on Twitter, garnered at least 668k likes with it’s unbelievable ” JAW-DROPPING” face.
— Yakyuゾイド (@Yakyu147Ab) January 17, 2021
Haru an albino tortoise tickled most netizens with both eyes and mouth wide open. some even said it looks like a human jaw-dropping expression.
Not only this one but Haru also got other funny looks. This is another photo of Haru with 20k likes.
Haru : Ok! What now?
Another one with @Yakyu147Ab wrote, “Good morning”

The dramatic Haru tickled a lot of netizens with some of them commented, ” So cute!”, ” The jaw-dropping one is exactly what I look when I know tomorrow is Monday”, ” This tortoise can get an Oscar award”, ” What a comical tortoise”.
Info via Twitter