Chinese New Year, Hari Raya, Deepavali and any other festive celebration is the most awaited time of the year for everyone to gather around with family members. But this year seems to offer quite a different experience, thanks to Miss Corona.

Some Malaysian reported by The Star have decided to say no to any visit or have them limited. However to still keep the festive spirit, they opt for another option. Instead of having a family gathering, they would just deliver their gifts or hampers to their loves one.

No matter where you are, don’t let the festive spirit dims out.
“We do not want to be carrying the virus back to our elderly relatives in Penang. They are in their 80s, so it isn’t wise to do so.
“But we will still have reunion dinner with our close family members in Kuala Lumpur,” said Michelle Tan, who won’t be back to Penang for the celebration. Instead, she would be home having some quality time with her family.

Don’t let this restriction stop you from having a nice family dinner, you can still choose takeaway from your family favourite restaurants.
“We will only have close family members dining at home, especially my mother is elderly and at high risk.

“We will most likely not invite other relatives. We don’t mind if a few people drop by but for us to go visiting with my mother. I think it’s better not to do that,” said Lee YS, a consultant.
Netizen’s responses
▼ Not going back to hometown is the best choice right now!
▼ My Ang Pow is still on!

▼ On the bright side…
▼ If you are blessed with happy family, everyday is a celebration!

Is it too early to wish everyone Happy Chinese New Year? By the way, make a good decision, fellas!
Info via The Star