When you love someone, you would do anything and sacrifice a lot of things. To appreciate your love, some people do what they can afford. A bouquet of flowers and a delicious dinner would already be splendid but a luxury car? Not everyone can afford it.

Well, this man surprised his wife with a Ford Mustang on their wedding day. Not only that but they are also aged 18 years old!

His wife could be seen teary at his surprise and very happy with it! Well, there is a reason why she doesn’t expect this wonderful gift.

Before their wedding, she didn’t ask much or dream much about the expensive car. They were thinking to settle down with a secondhand Myvi.

This is because they only have enough money in their account for the wedding. They don’t have a car or motorcycle prior to their marriage as they usually borrow from their family members.

But, they worked hard with their business and earn a lot of money. 3 days before the wedding, her fiance bring her to test drive a mustang. She didn’t even think much or dream of having a Mustang.

Apparently, without her knowing, her fiance bought the Mustang with cash!

They got married after that and on their wedding day, that is when he surprised her with the car! People were shocked with his ability to buy an expensive sports car at the age of 18 years old but their hard work makes everyone thinks they deserved it.

I mean if you work hard and can afford it, why not? After all, he must be very thankful for his wife sacrifice~
Info via Ayunieso/Tiktok