
Policeman Under Investigation For Obtaining A Woman Details At Roadblock To Get Her Number And Texted Her

Credit Kosmo | Twitter

Since we are still under MCO, we will face a lot of roadblocks on the road. And some of us have quite a bad experience dealing with the authorities at the roadblocks.

Like this woman on Twitter who had a policeman texted her after he obtain her details at one of the roadblocks. Sharing her experience on Twitter, turns out she is not the only one who had to face that kind of experience. Her tweet on Twitter has amassed over 17.6K retweets and 25.9K likes as netizens were having a heated debate!

The original post,


Police: Where are you going?

Me: I’m going to buy groceries

Police: Okay, stop at the side please

*police jot down all information, identification number, phone number, license*

Police a few mins later:

In that text, the policeman texted her to get to know her and she was not happy with that as she thinks that is a kind of power abuse.

After her tweet gone viral, an official police Twitter account, PDRMsia has come out to her to get information on the day, time and location of roadblocks that such incident had happen for them to carried out further investigation.

Netizen’s responses

▼ Some netizens also shared their experiences too. 

▼ This girl claim that the police gets her number from her motorbike plate number. He even mentioned her full name!

▼ This police officer said he just wanna be a friend.

▼ This is the best reply! She just promoted insurance plan to the police officer!

▼ There are also netizens who think that the policeman is not at fault. He was just bored!

▼ But some didn’t agree as our phone number is our privacy.

▼ Anyhow, if you happen to be in such situation, you can always make a report at the nearest police station or make a report at Integrity and Standard Compliance Department!

Do you think the policeman deserve a punishment or is he just wanna be friendly?

Info via nadzifah/Twitter | Jabatan Integriti Dan Pematuhan Standard PDRM | PDRMsia/Twitter