Please take note when you receiving your parcel, beware of scammer!
A netizen took social media to share a real life story, where she received a Cash on delivery ( COD) parcel. She was asked to pay RM169, but luckily the delivery abang felt something was not right. He took the initiative to open the parcel and managed to stop the tragedy.
Her post read:
My door bell rang, dispatcher from Ninja Van was at my door step calling my full name with a parcel in his hand. Then he told me i will need to pay RM169. I tried to recall what did i bought online lately. But even yes, i will fully paid the things i bought and will never gave my full name as in my Identification card ( IC) as a receiver.
The delivery abang is very kind-hearted man. He was telling me that he felt strange too. As he got a big bag like a Gunny sack of parcels, which was all to the same residential area with different unit no. He said if 2 or 3 similar parcels for one residential area is pretty normal. But it was suspicious looking at the quantity of the parcels and all on COD term. After my feedback to him, Abang decided to open the parcel and said he will be responsible for it.
The parcel was written: consists of items worth USD1,000 ( around RM4,230) diamond jewellery. After Abang unbox: The parcel consists only a very lousy quality necklace like a kid’s toy jewellery !
Thanks to the kind-hearted Abang. He ended up took the parcels back. But even he never highlighted to me, i won’t pay the RM169 as per requested too, as i never bought the item and it’s impossible gave any one my full name.
But according to the info on the parcel, it was really my full name, contact number and address. Abang also reminded me to be extra careful with the registration online. But i never registered anything .. So everyone, more and more scammer with new tactics out there..

I’m urging everyone, especially those with elderly at home. They might pay for the parcel for the ” diamond jewellery” that worth only RM0.50.
Abang said their company received a few big bags. So, i’m sure still a lot of people out there might be receiving the same parcel. Also not every dispatcher are as good as the Abang i met. He was standing in the rain with me to find out the item in the parcel. Please remind your family and friends, especially those with elderly at home, don’t just simply signed and received anything.
▼(Picture for illustration purpose only)

▼ He is a very responsible dispatcher!Working whole-heartedly!
▼ The scammer send out 10k parcel by hoping 100 people falling in their trap.
▼ Similar incidents:
Netizen A: Same here! Lucky it was me that check out my brother’s parcel. It was his full name and COD term, need to pay full amount in order to take the parcel. The lady who is a foreigner even told me it’s a parcel from Ninja van and highlighted the item in the parcel worth USD1,000. I smell something fishy. I asked her where did my brother placed the order? She then showed my an order( screenshot) in her phone said my brother placed an order for a necklace worth RM168. But, where on earth, a dispatcher will know where the receiver place order?!~ Of. course, i never pay and asked them to go off.
Netizen B: Me too! COD term RM200++ but me and my husband never bought anything so we rejected receiving the parcel
Netizen C: Me too! Nearly fall into the trap!

▼ Some netizens said they received a call prior delivery asking them to prepare cash amounting RM169 in advance.

▼ However, it’s not the courier company’s fault. But not everyone will bump into the dispatcher like post author do that willing to go extra miles in helping the customer to identify the item in the parcel.
▼ Thus, it’s important to protect your information for all your parcels. As a lot of scammers get the full information from the thrown packaging.

▼ 🧐 Another solution, you can protect your info with a privacy stamp !
you can get it here :
Shopee 👉
Lazada 👉
▼ The post author also urged everyone to remind elderly at home so they won’t fall in the trap. And another netizen also said ” Let the family know if you are buying anything with COD term.”

▼ Thanks for sharing!
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