For some, washing hair properly everyday feels about right – especially if hair is greasy or if you’re exercising daily. But for girls with long hair, they probably don’t wash hair everyday. I heard some girls washing hair every 3 or 5 days. But, this girlfriend washing her hair 8 days once! Her Virgo boyfriend can’t stand the smell anymore!
Part 1:Boyfriend’s angle
The post read:
My girlfriend is very dirty. She only washing her hair 8 days once, what should I do?? I’m a Virgo, I can’t stand the smell anymore!!! Moreover, I’m a Mysophobia. How am I going to tell her?
Most of the time going out with she never wash her hair, then she got a lot of dandruff. Sometimes, when the wind blow her dandruff flying into my wan tan noodle !! Her hair is greasy, then everyone is looking at me, like I’m with a homeless person!!!

I know washing hair is troublesome, but maybe not everyday. I’m hoping at least 2-3 days once, i’m not asking too much right? But why 7-8 days only wash once??
She kept asking me when am i bringing her to visit my mum. To be honest, i don’t dare. I’m worry my mum will thought I simply get a girlfriend from the roadside!!
In fact, she is a pretty girl. But her hygiene routine killing everything!

And, she gained 10KG in 6 months. My legs almost broken. But i don’t feel anything as my body figure also not that impressive. As long as she is not obese, then it’s ok! Then i’ll look at myself too!
I really love her, but i can’t stand the smell! If she never change, i really will break up with her. I hope my decision to leave her will make her change and i will regret she becoming better. And wash her hair more often!

▼ How she did that for not wash hair so many days?
▼ I wash hair everyday, choose me to be your girlfriend instead.
▼ You can help her to wash and blow hair. Then problem solved.
▼ Ask her to use a wig.
Part 2:The Girlfriend’s point of view

The post read:
So, you wanted to tell the public that i don’t wash my hair? Lee Yao X! Virgo! Pay your mum a visit! You are afraid i don’t know it’s you, right? Do you know how hard to wash girl’s hair ? It’s not like the boy’s hair, you don’t need to blow!
▼ Hard to wash doesn’t mean you don’t wash for 8 days ok~
▼ Some wonder how she can “tahan” ( stand) : ” I wonder how to wash 8 days once, as i wash twice a day”, “I’m a girl but i insisted to wash my hair everyday, no matter i have a long or short hair.”

▼ I’m a girl! I wash my hair everyday. Just admit you are lazy, why don’t you just cut your hair short.

▼ Netizen : When you have love relationship problem. I will suggest you to break up.
Netizen: I will suggest you to break up with Lee Yao X! Go look for a hair dresser and let him wash your hair everyday!

Info via:Tantan Confessions / Facebook
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