
Granny Hair Trend: Think Twice As It May Really Turns You Into a 60s Granny!

We are less than 2 months to Chinese New Year ( CNY), you are probably now thinking of new clothings, new hair style or new hair colour?

A Malaysian netizen Jessy, took social media to share before and after dyeing her hair and a gentle reminder for those who wanted to choose the same hair colour!

The post read:

60 seconds after dyeing my bangs! Granny ash grey and really turns me into a Granny~ Hahahaha.

Bangs with ash grey?? Please think twice before you get this colour on! If you are not a pretty girl then you will need to put on make up everyday! I’m not kidding you, you see it turns me into a Granny.

#Not a pretty girl # Europe highlight

▼ Netizen :Same person?

Netizen: Best friends?

Netizen: I thought meeting someone online but different in real life.

▼ Netizen : Looks like 60s .. no .. at least 40s

Netizen: What happen to you ?

▼ Sorry, but at one glance i think it’s her..

▼ Netizen: Actually beside make-up you also turn on those beautify app right?! Please be honest!

Credit :qq

▼ You will need to put on some make up to look good with this hair colour or else you will look pale.

Credit : shopee

▼ Must be the angle problem, don’ t worry! you still look good~

▼ Some netizen giving some advice:” You can try to dye the bangs with other colour!”

.Post author : Yes! I already make appointment with the hair dresser

Info via:Special thanks to  Jessy Chen / Facebook for the rights to share!

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