Often, work takes precedence over everything else in our lives. Our desire to succeed professionally can push us to set aside our own well-being. But, is it worth to set aside your well-being?
Thus, now people are talking about “Work Life Balance”. Creating a harmonious work-life balance is critical, not only to improve our physical and mental well-being, but its also important for our career in long run.
A Malaysian netizen took social media page ” Malaysian Pay Gap” to share her working experience, where her ex-company counter offered her double the pay + 3 months bonus. But, without second thought she rejected the offer, as she think mental health-being is equally important!
The post read:
Hi, previously i asked MPG on the salary range of Assistant Manager in Banking industry.
Fyi, it has been a month since i took the job and LIFE HAS BEEN SUPER GREAT! The role is AM, legal department and my salary is RM6.5k ( After receiving 10% salary adjustment).
I was a lawyer for 4 years in a midsized firm and my last drawn salary was RM5k. Absolutely no work life balance, i always go back home 11pm -2am and come back to office before 9am. I spent my weekend doing work or feeling anxious about the pending work.
The partners will promise the client the moon and stars and the lawyers have to deliver that. If we couldn’t delivered, you will get yelled at. At one point, i considered going to therapy.
When i handed my resignation, i received huge counter offer with double increment and 3 months performance bonus. But i left anyway. I think my mental health is more important.
Now i always go back on time because my immediate boss always leave on time. I don’t have to think about work on weekend. Easy to get approval for annual leave.
My immediate boss will take charge of the things that i have no experience handling. No more yelling culture. Decent salary, great medical benefits.
▼(Picture for illustration purpose only)
I still suffer PTSD from my previous workplace but i’m recovering.
I love being a lawyer but love alone won’t get me anyway in the mental health department. Sure i will have the money to buy expensive stuff, but what is the use of expensive stuff if you do not have the time to actually enjoy it.
▼ I’m in same situation. My previous job need me to do everything. When i’m asking for additional manpower they questioned me ” Are you overloaded?” I always awake at night because of my nightmare related to work. I finally change a new job. More work life balance, decent salary and i’m happy with my current job.
▼ A lot of bosses acted the same! When they have a good staff they don’t treasure them. Only when the good staff are leaving then the counter offer. That’s too late!
▼ Netizen: You will find work in a bank is better than in lawyer firm. You will be able to go home early, spend more times with your family. Work life balance. For me, money is not everything!
Netizen: I think we all need to think about the last part in her post,” What is the point if i can afford expensive stuff but no time to enjoy it.”
▼ Ops~ I should get ready my resignation letter, testing testing!
Info via:malaysianpaygap / Instagram | SinChew Daily
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